"Behind the facade of self-love, narcissism masks a vacuum of empathy, leaving shattered connections in its wake. Gaslighting, a sinister symphony of manipulation, echoes doubts in the soul, eroding the very foundation of reality."— Dr Juan

What does Narcisstic Behavior and Gaslighting look like?

Narcissism is extreme self-obsession, where individuals view others merely as tools to boost their ego. Such behavior can parallel sociopathic tendencies, making them undesirable partners.

Gaslighting manipulates individuals into doubting their sanity. Abusers employ tactics like "Blocking" and "diverting" to control conversations, using phrases like "I told you before..." (even when they hadn't) or "I'm not going through that again," to divert and dominate the dialogue.

Are you a victim of a gaslighter or narcissist?

Contact me to begin the healing process